As the Director of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, I would like to thank you for your interest in the Nebraska Agricultural Youth Institute (NAYI). During NAYI 2024, we hosted over 250 students who gained a better understanding of the Nebraska agricultural industry, learned how to become better advocates for agriculture and developed ideas on what future career paths are available to them in the agricultural industry.

Thanks to our gracious sponsors, NAYI remains free of charge to the students that attend. We work diligently to ensure that our sponsorship dollars accomodate as many students as possible. At approximately $550 per student to attend-our sponsors play a critical role in ensuring the success of the program.

We hope that you will find the information on this page helpful as you consider potentially sponsoring this important agricultural youth education event. If you have questions about sponsoring NAYI, please reach out to Christin Kamm, NAYC Advisor, at 402-471-6856 or

Sherry Vinton
Director, Nebraska Department of Agriculture

Sponsorship Incentives          NAYI 2025 Brochure


Special Thanks to our NAYI 2025 Sponsors

2023 Sponsors          2024 Sponsors
Cornhusker ($10,000+)
Cornhusker - Nebraska Dep of Ag
Cornhusker - CASNR
Cornhusker - Nebraska Soybean Board *
Cornhusker - KAAPA
Cornhusker - Corn Board *

Sower ($7,500-$9,999)

Cottonwood ($5,000-$7,499)

Cottonwood - Potato Board

Cottonwood - Craft Brewery Board *
Cottonwood - Grape Winery Board

Cottonwood - Tallgrass

Cottonwood - Country Partners
Cottonwood - Siouxland Ethanol

Goldenrod ($3,000-$4,999)

Goldenrod - Nebraska Beef Council *

Goldenrod - CPI

Goldenrod - NARD

Goldenrod - Nebraska FB

Goldenrod - Mitchell Equipment

Goldenrod - KanEquip

Goldenrod - Nebraska Poultry Industries*

Meadowlark ($1,000-$2,999)

Meadowlark - Wheat Board *
Meadowlark - Ward
Meadowlark - Phibro

Meadowlark - Farmers National Company
Meadowlark - Farmers National Company
Meadowlark - Nebraska Ethanol *

Meadowlark - Aurora Coop
Meadowlark - Nebraska Dry Bean Commission *
Meadowlark - Nebraska Dry Pea and Lentil Commission *
Meadowlark - Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board *
Meadowlark - NICCA *

Little Bluestem ($100-$999)

Bonifas Enterprises Inc.

Design Agri-Systems Inc.

Kamler Enterprises LLC

Nebraska Agri-Business Association

Midwest Dairy Association

Summit Ag Insurance

Nebraska State Grange

Renewable Fuels Nebraska

Frontier Cooperative

Pride Grain

Nebraska Dry Bean Growers Association

Central Valley Irrigation

Growmark Inc.

Kent Zeller

Lincoln Premium Poultry

Nebraska Pork Producers

* Company has pledged amount to NAYI.