About the Nebraska Agricultural Youth Council

NAYI 2022

For 54 years, the Nebraska Agricultural Youth Council’s (NAYC) main goal has been the promotion of agriculture to Nebraska’s youth. NAYC consists of 23 college-age men and women who have dedicated their time and energy to educating youth about agriculture. The Council is selected annually to serve a one-year term. Membership is limited to three years.

Throughout their year, NAYC members participate in an array of agricultural programs and events, giving the Council a chance to learn more about agricultural opportunities available right here in Nebraska, as well as share their knowledge with the youth. The Council also typically holds annual Industry Tours and Sponsor Visits, which gives members the chance to interact with one another and strengthen friendships that attribute to the Council’s success. While the Nebraska Agricultural Youth Institute is NAYC’s premier event, the Council also typically coordinates and participates in a variety of other educational activities.

Members of the NAYC assist the Nebraska Department of Agriculture with state and regional meetings, when possible, giving them the opportunity to interact with industry leaders from all aspects of agriculture. NAYC participates in National Ag Week by visiting several area elementary school classrooms to share the importance of agriculture. Connecting through School Visits allows elementary students growing up in an urban setting to understand where their food comes from and how it is produced. Students have the opportunity to ask questions about agriculture-related topics. NAYC members mentor high school students to help them prepare for FFA activities and learn about the many careers available in the ag industry. NAYC organizes and facilitates workshops at the Nebraska State FFA Convention, as well as Classroom Visits, in order to promote NAYI to high school juniors and seniors who are interested in agriculture.

NAYI will be the result of a year of dedication and work from the 2024-2025 NAYC. Bi-monthly meetings and various activities are held throughout the year to plan the events at NAYI 2025. Each year, the newly selected Council strives toward the common goal of creating a successful Institute. The diversity of ideas that were offered from the Council throughout this year will be why the 54th NAYI will be bigger and better than ever before!


NAYC Members


Learn more about our NAYC members by clicking on their photo.

Head Counselor
Jenna Knake
Head Counselor
Laura Albro
Kendall Prior
Seth Wert


Carleigh Tietz
Alex Boudreau
Alexa Carter
Libby Macklin

Youth Outreach

Brie Bruns
Emily Holz
Abby Hodges

Improvement and Promotion

Levi Schiller
Evan Svanda
Cora Hoffschneider
Morgan Bonifas


Caleb Most
Carson Mau
Braydon Binger
Demi Lapaseotes

Alumni Relations

Caleb Burnside
Keiser Dixon

NAYC Activities

Keep up-to-date on everything NAYI & NAYC by following us on social media.

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