245 Fallbrook Blvd., Suite 202
Lincoln, NE 68521
Phone: 402-471-2358
Email: wheat.board@nebraska.gov
Website: www.nebraskawheat.com
Facebook: @nebraskawheatboard
Instagram: @nebraskawheat
X: @NebraskaWheat
Executive Director: Royce Schaneman
Ag Promotion Coordinator: Samantha Oborny
Marketing Specialist: Jadyn Heckenlively
The mission of NWB is to increase both domestic and foreign consumption of wheat and wheat food products through marketing and research, as well as to help develop and maintain both domestic and export markets for the Nebraska wheat producer. NWB will accomplish this by investing the wheat checkoff in the areas of research, international and domestic marketing, policy development and publicity and education.
NWB administers and excise tax of 0.5% of the net value of wheat marketed in Nebraska at the point of first sale. The checkoff is invested by a seven-member board of directors.
Updated December 2024