Anthrax is a naturally occurring disease caused by the spore forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis. It can affect deer, livestock, exotic livestock, horses, swine, dogs and humans. The bacteria can remain alive, but dormant in the soil for years. After periods of wet, cool weather, followed by hot, dry conditions, the bacteria can surface, contaminating the soil and grass. Animals ingest the anthrax bacteria when they consume contaminated grass and hay, or by inhaling the spores. Outbreaks will usually end when cooler weather arrives, and he bacteria becomes dormant.
After exposure, it usually takes three to seven days for animals to show symptoms of anthrax. Once symptoms begin, death will usually occur within 48 hours. Acute fever followed by rapid death with bleeding from body openings are all common signs of anthrax in livestock. Carcasses may also appear bloated and appear to decompose quickly. Symptoms may include the following:
Infection is usually less severe in swine, horses, dogs and humans.
Anthrax is a zoonotic disease (disease that can affect humans and animals). Anthrax in humans can take three forms: cutaneous (skin), respiratory, and intestinal. The cutaneous or skin form occurs when anthrax spores invade a cut or abrasion. The respiratory form occurs when the spores are inhaled and then infect the lung tissue. The intestinal form of anthrax occurs when spores are ingested, primarily through consuming contaminated meat.
If producers suspect anthrax, contact your veterinarian! Do not open the carcass and producers should take every precaution to avoid skin contact with the potentially contaminated carcass and soil. Do not expose any skin, especially any that is compromised with wounds or scratches.
Anthrax is a reportable disease in Nebraska. The Nebraska Department of Agriculture should be notified of all suspected and confirmed cases of anthrax.