The Livestock Emergency Disease Response System (LEDRS) was created in 2002 in response to biosecurity and agroterrorism concerns. This System aims to protect the food sources available in our unique agriculture state.
The Nebraska Department of Agriculture developed the LEDRS Veterinary Corps by initiating a campaign to recruit practicing veterinarians who are willing to commit to efforts surrounding livestock disease surveillance and emergency response. Each year the Department hosts the LEDRS Conference to provide training and education to members on current and emerging disease response.
The LEDRS Corps is also represented by 10 Sentinel Veterinarians who attend a bi-monthly conference call to report on current disease issues and assist with surveillance efforts.
The annual LEDRS Conference is held in August each year and includes educational presentations on foreign animal disease, emergency preparedness, incident command systems, media relations, USDA operations, syndromic surveillance, federal/state relations, feed toxicities, and mental health response for producers in an emergency situation. In addition, other opportunities for training are available via seminars through on-line based webinars and newly published materials.
The LEDRS Veterinary Corps is committed to providing an immediate response, should an agricultural emergency ever arise. On a volunteer basis, they agree to:
If you are interested in becoming a LEDRS Corps member, please fill out the LEDRS Application and LEDRS MOU and return them to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.
LEDRS Memorandum of Understanding
Web Sites for Animal and Zoonotic Disease Information
Disaster Behavioral Health Resources
Conference Recordings