The Feed, Fertilizer and Ag Lime (FFAL) Laboratory tests feed, fertilizer, and agricultural lime products for compliance with manufacturer labeling claims, and for adulteration or cross-contamination. This analytical support assists the NDA Animal and Plant Health Protection (APHP) – Commercial Feed Program in its mission to protect animal food and animal health and to prevent consumer fraud. The Fertilizer Program’s mission is to ensure fertilizer and lime products meet label guarantees.
The FFAL Laboratory tests for protein, calcium, and phosphorus and other macronutrients found on the label. The presence of veterinary antibiotics and other drug residues are also tested. This is important because a large portion of animal feed sold in Nebraska includes these ingredients to help promote animal growth and to prevent disease. The FFAL Lab also tests grains for mycotoxins (such as aflatoxin, fumonisin, zearalenone, and vomitoxin), which are known carcinogens.
Fertilizer samples are tested primarily for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash along with several other micronutrients. Agricultural lime is tested for the Effective Calcium Carbonate Equivalent value which determines its ability to neutralize the soil pH.
The FFAL Laboratory has a cooperative agreement with the FDA - the Laboratory Flexible Fund Model (LFFM) which is intended to enhance the capacity and capabilities of state human and animal food testing laboratories in support of an integrated food safety system as part of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
The NDA APHP has a cooperative agreement with the FDA through the Animal Feed Regulatory Program Standards (AFRPS). The AFRPS ensures the safety of livestock feed and pet food. The FFAL Laboratory supports this agreement by performing sample analysis as requested by APHP.