Small Package Product Fee Report


Small Package Product Inspection Fees are due from the manufacturer of the products that are only sold in containers of 10 pounds or less, within the State of Nebraska during the past year. Payment is made annually in January for products sold during the previous calendar year. The fee is $25 per product regardless of quantity sold. Product sold in containers of greater than 10 pounds and in larger packages or bulk are reported through the semi-annual tonnage payment process.

A form was mailed to the firm address on record for all active products for which your firm paid during the previous annual report. The products are listed by name and a product number may be included; however, space limits this to 60 characters. Active products default to “Yes” under product sold, and the type of product can be selected from the drop down menu for product type (reminder provided by moving cursor over the “?” after product type). Products no longer sold during the previous 12 months please choose “No”. Add any new products.

To pay your Small Package Inspection Fee online, you will need the following items:

  • Your firm number that was printed on your Fee Form.
  • Your checking account routing number or Master Card, Visa, or Discover Credit Card information. Debit card use is not available at this time.

For online transactions, there is a 2.49% fee when using a credit card. There is no fee when using eCheck (ACH). Please note that this fee is non-refundable.

You will have the opportunity to review all applicable fees prior to finalizing your transaction. At that point, you will have the option to cancel your transaction and pay via a traditional, offline method. Online payment is an alternative to traditional type of payments and is considered voluntary.

Please note that payment is only due for product(s) you sold in Nebraska during the previous year. If you have new products that have not been sold yet, do not enter them or send payment. Instead, complete the Small Package Product Form and send to so they may be registered for next year.

If you have any questions, send an email to or please call 402-471-2351 or 402-471-6894.