Certification Testing Policies

  • The use of study materials is not allowed while taking the exam.
  • Calculators may be used during the exam. However, all personal data assistants (PDAs), cell phones, or similar electronic devices which can store data must be turned off, kept in pockets or holsters, and will not be allowed on the tabletop.
  • The exams are the property of the State of Nebraska. Removal of exams from examination rooms is prohibited. Copying or reproduction of the contents of exams (in part or in whole) is unlawful.
  • Applicants are responsible for returning their assigned examination to the proctor at the conclusion of the exam.
  • The exams are not timed, but applicants should allow approximately one minute per question.
  • All exams are administered in English. This being because product labels of the pesticides registered in Nebraska are written in English, and all applicants are required to understand and comprehend pesticide labels in order to be certified.
  • Persons with special needs or disabilities should notify the NDA of accommodations they may require at least 10 days prior to date of the exam.